Saturday, January 11, 2014

Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever. You know how that feels? Well, not only was I having cabin fever, so was my girls. We haven't been out of the house since the end of 2013. It has been too cold to take them outside. -40 windchill is way too cold.

Today was finally the day that we got out of the house! Our 2 year old, Katie, wanted to go by-by in the car. She kept on saying 'no house.' lol. I guess she was sick of being in the house.

We went out to eat for lunch at Subway. They enjoyed eating somewhere else besides at home. They were sure being silly while Daddy was in line getting our food.

 Katie, 2 years old

Sophia, 10 1/2 months old

After lunch, we spent a little time at Barnes and Noble. Our girls love to play in the children's area. We always have to go to the train table whenever we are there. How can you not play with trains? Sophia is at the age where she loves to do whatever her big sister, Katie, is doing. Plus she can now move a train back and forth. I love watching these two interact with each other.

Overall, we had a good day. We were able to get out of the house on this beautiful day and cure our cabin fever. Hope you enjoyed your day!

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